Sunday, May 25, 2008

Vitamin D helps kidney patients live longer -study

CHICAGO, May 7 (Reuters) - Kidney disease patients who took a prescription form of Vitamin D were 26 percent less likely to die over a two-year span than those not taking the vitamin, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and is important for bone health, but several recent studies suggest that this vitamin may have other benefits, such as protecting against heart disease.

Dr. Bryan Kestenbaum of the University of Washington in Seattle conducted a two-year study to see what impact the drug would have on improving the health of kidney disease patients with severely reduced renal function.

People with advanced kidney disease often take a form of Vitamin D to bring down high levels of a hormone secreted by the parathyroid glands in the neck that controls calcium metabolism. Too much of the hormone can weaken bones.

Kestenbaum's team studied 1,418 patients who had moderate to severe chronic kidney disease. All patients also had high parathyroid hormone levels, which is often caused by kidney failure.

One group was being treated with the drug calcitriol, a synthetic form of Vitamin D, to lower their parathyroid hormone levels. Another group was not taking the drug.

After two years, the researchers compared death rates, adjusting for differences in age, kidney function, parathyroid hormone levels and other illnesses.

They found patients taking the drug had a 26 percent lower risk of death compared to people not taking the drug. They also were less likely to develop end-stage kidney disease.

"Recently, there has been an increased focus on the effects of vitamin D beyond those on bone health," Kestenbaum, whose study appears in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, said in a statement

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Ребенок в саду. Чем заняться?! [/url]
Добрый день подскажите кто в этом разбирается. У моей сестры длительное время ужасная депрессия, не может наладить личную жизнь. Последний мужчина ушел и сказал что с ней было слишком хорошо и он хочет приземленности, но не летать в облаках. Возможно это сглаз? Ее состояние меня просто начинает пугать. Она все время хнычет ((( Помогите советом . выйдет ли она замуж и будут ли у нее дети ?